Magical Cakes

Yes They Are Real!

Our fabulous friends at Odiham Cake Company surprised us with some stunning cakes.

So what else could we do other than surround them with balloons?

And yes, they tasted even better than they looked – if that’s possible!

Rainbow Bright

A rainbow cake to match our Rainbow Bright collection – perfection!

How gorgeous is this cake table set up?

A bunch of Rainbow Bright 11-inch balloons and a burst of the Rainbow Bright Flutter.

We love how bright and gorgeous this combination is!


Bubblegum Top Tip

Use our DIY Rainbow Bright Wands as cake toppers.

As if the cake isn’t gorgeous and colourful enough, we decided to pop a little something extra on there.

Our wands double up as fun table centers and look brilliant wedged in a cake!

Serenity Feather Cake

The marble effect on this cake was totally mesmerising.

We couldn’t think of a better way to Bubblegum it, than by adding our White Feather Filled Wands.

We also found some super cute hares from a Peter Rabbit tail in our workshop which we loved using.

The White Feather Wands are perfect for Christenings, Weddings, Baby Showers or any chic celebration.

Hauntingly Delicious

This cake smelt so good!

It lasted around 0.5 seconds and everyone looked like they were about to be yelled at by Miss Trunchbull by the end of it.

The colour theme was totally perfect for a Halloween / Thanksgiving inspired set-up.

We blew up our Halloween Glam bunch and burst a confetti flutter all over the place to create the below.


Wand Magic

For added pazazz we added a hand in to show just how easy to Wands are to add to cakes…

Shop The Page

Click HERE to shop the full wand range

To order an Odiham Cake Company Cake (highly recommend you do!) contact them HERE


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